Introduction to Statistical Analysis (Three-Day) Workshop

Introduction to Statistical Analysis Workshop

Workshop Description

Do you feel overwhelmed trying to turn all your data into useful information and actions?

Are you trying to analyze data and don’t even know exactly where to start or which statistical analysis to do?

This three-day "Introduction to Statistical Analysis" workshop provides your organization with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental statistical methods and tools you need to

  • use data for making better and faster decisions,
  • determine root causes of problems, and
  • analyze and improve manufacturing and business processes. 

Key Topics and Learning Points

This hands-on workshop will give your organization the strong foundation it needs to get started doing statistical analysis with Minitab. A free 30-day trial version of Minitab can be downloaded from their website So, there will be no additional costs to get started. Datasets and case studies will be distributed to all participants prior to the workshop.

This three-day workshop covers:

  • Introduction
    • Introduction to Statistical Process Thinking
    • Introduction to Minitab
    • Basic Statistics
  • Analyzing Process Performance
    • Statistical Process Control (SPC) Charts
    • Process Capability Study
  • Analyzing Process Input-Output Relationships
    • Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
    • 2-Sample t-Test Roadmap
    • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Roadmap
    • Correlation - Regression Analysis Roadmap
    • Chi-Square Test

Workshop Requirements


Workshop Duration

This course is delivered as a three-day workshop.

Who Should Attend

Process owners, team leaders, and employees throughout the organization involved in performing data analysis or leading projects to improve the performance of critical manufacturing, service, and/or administrative processes.

Onsite Project and Deployment Support

Remote and onsite project and deployment support are, of course, available after the workshop.

For more detail about this and other workshops please Contact Us. Visit our OpEx Academy for downloadable Training Materials, eLearning Modules, Online Courses, and Public Workshops offering.

Experience.  Passion.  Results.